Dino Saluzzo recently celebrated its 75 anniversary, and since he still plays and writes music it could be called "a success" old age. In Kiev, he played a program of El Encuentro with his brother, Anja Lechner (Anja Lechner) and the Kiev Orchestra «New Era Orchestra» (conductor - Tatyana Kalinichenko).
Although this was the opening of a jazz festival, jazz, there is little in the album, but rather a leisurely chamber music for bandoneon, sax, cello Orchestra. Compositions are not as bright as in earlier albums like Responsorium or Kutrum, rather complicated and a lot of sensitive tissue, "interpleya" between musicians and orchestra, which, incidentally, virtually nothing is spoiled.
Cideli not close to the scene, and because of the large room had the piano part on bandeneone and saxophone was, by contrast, hardly too loud and "restaurant" for my taste. Played three encore, and one better than another.
Summary: nice to see him and listen, no disappointments. On the following it did not go to Hancock - just frustrated.
PS: The album is on rutracker download if interested.
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