Jane McGonigal begins with frightening statistics (gamer in developed capitalist countries gives games the same time as spending on all education), and then excitedly talks about how Gamers will save the world - about how the creators of games should send 3.5 billion man-about $ * nnyh in World of Warcraft on Virgin Soil Upturned and other noble goals, and understanding that the pigs in Farmville die unattended, will strengthen young families ...
Not really believe her - not because I do not like this approach, but simply because Games are entertainment, and think it would be possible to use time and energy they consume, for other purposes, it is like to offer each viewers of "Avatar" instead of watching a movie trees to plant.
I say the following. A potential client wants to develop an online game. Most likely, the Middle Ages with second life'овой закваской - каждый игрок имеет свой срок жизни, и распоряжается им, как ему угодно в рамках фантазии создателей, т.е. все стандартно.
Может, что-то другое? For example, on the basis of rebirth? The player starts the frog, and, depending on the skill, comes to a person or a felt hat?